Thursday, April 9, 2009

Starting off

Blogging is sort of like thinking out loud except people don't think you're going nuts. So I started this blog to wean myself off muttering to myself while walking my dog in public. Next I'm going to get one of those BlueTooth headsets. Mind you I don't have a BlueTooth cell phone and don't plan to get one. But stick one of those BT things in my ear and I can wander through Home Depot or the super market and chatter away about anything going through my head without getting 'that look'.

I guess that first paragraph about sets the theme for my first venture into blogging. The thing I missed most upon retiring is the old 'water cooler'. We didn't actually have one of those bubbly things with the little paper cups of course, but there was always ample opportunity to chat with coworkers about most any topic d' jur. Besides work there was politics, women, kids, cars, women, crab grass, football, tv shows and women to talk about. Oh did I mention women? I'm still interested in women, I just can't remember why and Green Bay has been kind of sucky since Favre retired. (Wonder if he's got a blog?)

So here I'd like to carry on conversations on just as wide range of topics from the perspective of those of us that have been around the block once or twice. Maybe a few others would like to throw in two cents worth from time to time.

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