MySQL Fifth Edition
Author: Paul
Published by:
Addison Wesley
With a new
database project in the planning stage I settled on MySQL for my data
base manager. MySQL switched to InnoDB as the default search engine
starting with version 5.5. Since InnoDB introduces some primary
differences in design and performance over the previously used
MyISAM, I thought the latest version of the “MySQL Bible” should
be a requirement.
Indeed this
change brings a major difference in the way indexes are created and
stored. This could cause problems in a large complex database like
I'm planning. DuBois does an excellent job of highlighting this
difference and how best to accommodate it in Chapter 5 of the book.
He continues with extensive treatment on using indexing for maximum
benefit and minimum cost. My highlighter got a workout in this
The MySQL default
data directory is under /usr/local or /var/lib which on my computers
are on separate partitions fixed in size. This could become a problem
as the database grows. My personal preference is to keep database
files in a /home/sub-directory. Since I keep /home on a separate
drive it is then somewhat protected against accidental deletion
during installation of an updated or different version of Linux. In
Chapter 11 the author goes into considerable detail on the location
and structure of the data directory. Though I did have to go to a
different source to find a sure-fire method for changing the default
My planned
database will be accessible by other users so security is a major
concern. Chapter 13 starts out with a section entitled “How to
Steal Data” which can be rather unsettling. The author then
presents detailed step-by-step instructions on setting tight
permissions on all related directories and files. Many of which I
would never have thought of securing. The author also covers MySQL
user and administrator privileges in great detail. As with any
system, it is important to note that the security is only as good as
your passwords. Of course if your root password is compromised
nothing is secure.
Lastly, after
designing and setting up my database, much of the inputting and
accessing of data will be through other software and scripts.
Chapters 7, 8 and 9 cover writing programs in C, Perl and PHP
respectively in considerable detail. I'm sure these pages will be
thumb-worn and full of margin notes in due time. Sadly, however, the
author completely ignores the widely popular and my personal favorite
Python language. Though there are numerous resources on line,
hopefully the author will consider include a chapter devoted to
Python in later editions.
Finally Chapter 14
addresses my personal weakness by outlining the procedure for regular
secure backups of your data base files. You can use either mysqldump
command or with a binary backup. One piece of sage advice here is to
store your backups on a separate drive or even a different computer
to to avoid a catastrophic loss. The chapter is a good reference for
backing up all your important files.
In the net I found
the book invaluable in understanding the inner working of MySQL for
designing and building my database. This I'll keep it close at hand
as I flesh out the structural details and set to work at my keyboard.
Later on it will serve as a primary reference on SQL syntax and query
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