Friday, May 29, 2009

Gardening Time cont'd

It must have been a busy month. I haven't found time to post for quite awhile. May is always a fun filled month for we gardeners with seeds to start and plants to put in the ground. Of course there is grass to mow about every other day as well.

The tulips and daffodils put on beautiful show again this spring though it's getting time to dig them up and separate them again. During a shopping trip I picked up a batch of seeds at the local Walmart. What a disappointment. I got two viable cucumber plants from the whole package. Nothing recognizable from the two packages of pepper seeds. The Big Boy tomatoes had about 30% germination. Pretty grim for the few seeds you get for that $1.00 per packet. I figure it comes out to about a nickel per seed. The summer and winter squash did very well, however, so all was not lost. I set the green bean seeds to soak earlier this week before the monsoon settled in. They're getting lengthy sprouts on them so I must get them in the ground this weekend. I will definitely rely on the local garden store for my seeds again next year. Running too late to reseed, it was off to the nursery for some replacement seedlings to populate the waiting garden. It's still raining so they're in the garage getting even leggier. Sunshine predicted for tomorrow (Saturday) so I'll be busy again this weekend. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers and some morning glories for the fence. Oh yes, and the beans. And mow the %$&@ grass.

This morning's batch of Italian bread is about ready for the oven so it's time to spindle this one.

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