Thursday, April 8, 2010


We filled in our census questionnaire and mailed it in a few weeks ago. Pretty painless. So I am in the majority (barely) of people that did so in our area. I'm not sure what the objection some have to being counted. Americans are strange creatures in some ways. We'll rail about the government trying to invading our privacy while we think nothing of posting intimate information on FaceBook or other social web sites. Go figure.

How about filling out your form and get counted. Make 100% our goal. (That was the first embedded link on this blog. I was dying to try it.)

But then I read elsewhere barely half of U.S. households pay federal income tax. The rest pay nothing. What's up with that? Come on people! You're enjoying the benefits of living in this great society. We need you to pony up your share of Obama care and other government handouts. The same article pointed out that the top ten percent of tax payers pay 73% of the taxes. And we still hear a clamor to "tax the rich". It's nuts. The time is approaching when the few tax payers left will no longer be able to support the growing number of leaches in our society. What happened to our pride?